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Classic Pilates

Classical Pilates is defined as the science and art of coordinating body and mind to achieve total fitness. You use your own body as well as the resistance of springs to perform a series of movements that are linked together in an efficient transition, which is adapted to your needs. 

Classic Pilates Malmö

Norregatan 8, 211 27 Malmö
Telefon: 040-13 61 14
Mobil: +46(0)73 560 30 14

Click here to book a time

Opening times

MÅN-TORS    kl.08.30 – 19.30

FREDAGAR     kl. 08.00 – 14.00

LÖRDAGAR    kl. 09.00 – 12.00

Sunday closed

Find us on Google Map


"I have been diagnosed with disc herniation in the lower back. I was recommended surgery but my Physiotherapist suggested Pilates to build strength in my core to avoid surgery. Ever since, I have been hooked on Pilates as I have seen a huge difference in my body awareness, range of movement and being able to activate my core to protect my back."

Sandra Johansson

Range & Product design Leader, IKEA of Sweden

"I have lived with chronic inflammation and joint pain for many years. The training offered at Classic Pilates Malmö has been an important part in becoming free from both pain and medications."

Melissa Reimer

Creative Director


Träna pilates i malmö

Classic pilates

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